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Showing posts from June, 2020

Unexpected Cleaning: Sellers Left Us Presents

We finally get to start moving in!! As exciting as that is, sadly the previous owners left the house in a less than desirable state as far as cleanliness. Most, if not all of the appliances look like they haven't been cleaned even once since they lived there. Because we weren't aware that we were going to have to scrub everything it put a little bit of a standstill on the moving everything in process. I shampooed the carpets in every room 2 times because of the amount of stains. It definitely isn't perfect, but it will suffice until we tackle the project of tearing it up and replacing it with hardwood.  I discovered that the front load washer had probably NEVER been cleaned so I am going to disassemble the gasket to be able to get all the nasty gunk out from under that. Ultimately the situation could be much worse than some dirt and gunk, but this part is noooooo fun. I want to send a shout out to George and Nicole Nicolas because there is absolutely NO WAY you would have a...

Moving 2020 - Thinning Out (video)

Things are running pretty smoothly.  We still have the previous owners as tenants until the end of the week.  That is giving us additional time to get out of this place.  With the COVID-19 delays, we didn't know exactly when things were going to progress, so while we were working in the rental, we were in no big rush.  There still is no rush to get these things in there.  We're going to have some painting done and a few other things, before we move thing into the actual house.  No slouch days though!  Everyday we're accomplishing something.  It's not all work and no play and the kids have been fantastic about it! Click Here: Thinning Out (video) Time to Play (video)

Finally- We Closed!!!

Our 8 Acres of Paradise 2020 has been something else so far.  With all that has been going on, our celebration at the end of this journey was a little lack luster.  We are extremely happy, but we are exhausted.   COVID-19, put us through it on this one, but not as much as many others. We had delay, after delay, after delay, followed by scrambling to correct errors.  Finally its ours! Still, its hard to be completely over the moon, emotionally, with everything that is going on.   We have a lot to do and we will have a ball doing it.  Time to write a new chapter.  I will have much better photos soon.  I know a guy.  

03 Jun 2020 - New Addition To the Family

Some Good During These Troubled Times Maaaaan, time flies! It doesn't seem like that long ago that I was  putting Desi, as a toddler, in her inflatable tutu and taking her into the pool at the house in Presidential Lakes, NJ.  I also remember sneaking her out of the tutu, because she didn't look like she needed it.  Now that I think back, at my age, that probably wasn't a good decision.   I was confident that I could "save" her if need be.  She didn't need saving.  She swam like a fish. I remember your love for Ariel, Goosebumps, bacon, apple juice and the one I understand the least, school. I remember the countless hand claps and "Ready, OK(s)!", during the cheer leading stages. I know you remember the key incident (wink), Wielerbach, Germany.   You are the most diligent when it comes to keeping our widely spread family in touch and informed.  And again, you liked school, but I won't hold that against you. Watching you grow, become a wo...

Quarantine 2020 - Backyard Rope Swings

Hey guys, this is my first post!!  First I have to say,  I think as a family, we have absolutely been crushing this quarantine. Jay and I are two people with more combined hobbies than most. During quarantine, we have been trying to overload the kids with new experiences and hobbies, so that they're not just stuck in the house all day, getting on our nerves.  We bought both of them archery bows, golf club sets, baseball gear, tree swings and many different simple outdoor activities. They have joined Jay a few times at a local golf course to play  9 holes, as well as, practice at home in the yard and in our simulator. They have both done a couple workouts with me in the garage as well.  Not only has this helped with boredom during the Covid-19 quarantine, but it is also preparing them for when we move to our new house on over 7.5 acres.  Today we bought a couple tree swings from Walmart and as you can see from the video, they were a hit. These will fit in gr...

Beautiful Course, Terrible Round (video)

Great Trails Golf Course, Minerva, OH SPOILER ALERT:  I'm a terrible golfer! Got to play 9 at my new home course. Frustration got the better of me.  I was being heckled off camera and that didn't help.  It was too bright.  It was too green.  Excuses, excuses!  I just swung the club like crap.  I have a lot of work to do, but I love it.  This course is amazing.    Click for video