Hey guys, this is my first post!!
First I have to say, I think as a family, we have absolutely been crushing this quarantine. Jay and I are two people with more combined hobbies than most. During quarantine, we have been trying to overload the kids with new experiences and hobbies, so that they're not just stuck in the house all day, getting on our nerves.
We bought both of them archery bows, golf club sets, baseball gear, tree swings and many different simple outdoor activities. They have joined Jay a few times at a local golf course to play 9 holes, as well as, practice at home in the yard and in our simulator. They have both done a couple workouts with me in the garage as well.
Not only has this helped with boredom during the Covid-19 quarantine, but it
is also preparing them for when we move to our new house on over 7.5 acres.
Today we bought a couple tree swings from Walmart and as you can see from the video, they were a hit. These will fit in great on the new property. There are tons of different trees everywhere.
I'm super excited to get them set up on the property with tons of outside things to do, so that they are able to enjoy it just as much as Jay and I will.
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