We finally get to start moving in!! As exciting as that is, sadly the previous owners left the house in a less than desirable state as far as cleanliness. Most, if not all of the appliances look like they haven't been cleaned even once since they lived there. Because we weren't aware that we were going to have to scrub everything it put a little bit of a standstill on the moving everything in process. I shampooed the carpets in every room 2 times because of the amount of stains. It definitely isn't perfect, but it will suffice until we tackle the project of tearing it up and replacing it with hardwood.
I discovered that the front load washer had probably NEVER been cleaned so I am going to disassemble the gasket to be able to get all the nasty gunk out from under that. Ultimately the situation could be much worse than some dirt and gunk, but this part is noooooo fun. I want to send a shout out to George and Nicole Nicolas because there is absolutely NO WAY you would have allowed me to sell my house with it in this condition. The kids have been a huge help, especially Haiden (Heidi adds plenty of dance and cartwheel breaks).
Next big project will be the tree removal so stay tuned. We've got a team of guys coming out at the end of next week to spend the day cutting down trees and chipping them up. 😁
*BTW I have to order a new gasket for the washing machine because the other one expanded while soaking...probably shouldn't use hot water...oh well, lesson learned. Truth is I wanted to get a new one anyway because that smell was still lingering.
Upcoming projects:
*New fans for the living room (there are only 2 recessed lights in the whole living room and the fans have no lights, so I want to get fans with lights to brighten up the room)
*New thermostat and dimmable light switches for the house
*Get inside of the house painted
*Knock down the clothes line in the backyard
*Tree removal
*There are a couple smaller things like get matching floor registers because there are like 5 different styles throughout the house, replace burnt out light bulbs, replace toilet paper holders, etc.
The sellers arranged for a dump truck to pick up this trash heap. Jay was unaware and furious when he pulled up after closing. It all worked out. The company came and cleaned this all up. Still not what you want to see Day 1.
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