We're behind on posts. We have a ton of catching up to do, but this is pretty exciting.
When the quarantine first kicked off and the kid’s schools shut down, Jay and I bought golf clubs for everyone at the house just to get us outside and have some entertainment. Pretty quickly, Jay started getting more involved in the game, going to the local golf course and even getting a golf simulator for the house. Haiden and Heidi (especially Haiden, initially) started showing more interest than just hitting balls in the backyard. Jay and Haiden spent several hours at the course, on the simulator, and on youtube, trying to learn, as well as improve their games. When we started to move to the new house in June, golf got put on the back burner due to the lack of time to do anything fun. Finally in July there was some extra time and once again Jay, Haiden, and Heidi found themselves on the simulator and at the course. As I was registering the kids for school, I saw that Haiden’s middle school had a golf team and I was able to register him even though the season had already started. Last Thursday (August 20) Haiden had his first school match and he did AWESOME!!! He fit right in with the kids he was playing with and played a very good game. It is awesome seeing him take such a deep interest in something and work so hard at improving and learning new things every time he picks up his clubs. Heidi's interest has also grown and is so competitive that she works hard just to beat Haiden and Jay. She understands the game so much, and it makes me laugh when Jay watches PGA tournaments on tv and she critiques and questions even what the pros do. Both kids are going to be involved in a local tournament September 5th. Expect there to be a lot of golf posts in the future!!
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